Archive for the ‘Mom Central’ Category

Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! Pirates Treasure !

Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! Pirates Treasure !

Wonderful Wubbzy and all his friends are back and off on high adventures!

Being someone who has been given the privilege of helping to raise two little tots, I take what they are exposed to very seriously. I want them to grow up to be happy, kind and caring people.

I think we all want that for our children and grand children.
That is why I really like Wubbzy! Along with pals Widget and Walden, Wubbzy exposes the world of fun, responsibility, fair play and kindness children.

Thanks to the wonderful folks at Mom Central and Anchor Bay Entertainment we were able to get an advance copy of Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! Pirates Treasure to review.

Before I could even get the DVD out of the case my tots were dancing! So, popcorn made, and then we set off on our Pirate Adventure!

The DVD also includes:

Wubbzy in the Woods
Walden on the Beach
My favorite: The Grass is Always Plaider
Goo Goo Grief!
and two Bonus Episodes!
Everything’s Coming Up Wubbzy
and Save the Wuzzly!

The DVD comes with a fantastic Music Video called Were All Different and a JukeBox song called The Wubbzy Wiggle . We laughed and danced and had a great time.

A direct link to the Wonderful World of Wubbzy has even been created. You can go laugh, play and explore with games, pictures to color and little Videos.

You will find links to purchase this and other Wubbzy DVDs and also find out about Wubbzy becoming the new Good Will Ambassador for Autism. Its:

Bottom line..we really liked this DVD.

Your children will learn so much about the world, kindness, fair play and friendships. And at the end of the day you will know you are helping make them ready to be the people you always wanted them to be.

Like Wubbzy says “Were all different and that’s Ok

Love and Wubbzy Hugs,

NEOSPORIN Invites You To Check Your First Aid Supplies

First I have to tell you I love Neosporin. It is above all others — the best OTC germ fighting, cut/burn healing, pain relieving cream I’ve ever tried.

It can be used by anyone from ages 2 and up.

It also helps prevent scars if used while healing (I know because I was severely burned a year or so ago and thanks to Neosporin …no scars!).

So while were on the topic, Neosporin is asking, How Old are your First Aid Supplies? Are they used then chucked on the shelf or in a box waiting till the next owie or cold comes along? We never bother to think about these things, like everything else, first aid supplies have a shelflife.

We buy them all the time, Bandages,creams,sprays and more. Some just won’t work as well, some even become spoiled. When was the last time you checked your baskets and shelves? Did you even notice?

I did and was shocked to find I had several bottles that were long past the throw out point. Thank goodness we’ve all been bug and ouchie free for awhile.

So here is what Neosporin has done:
Trot over to their web site ( and click on Safety First. There you will find a very handy First Aid check list along with info on sports safety and safety in general. On Neosporin’s main page you will also find links to download coupons towards your next Neosporin purchase!

One last thing, have you tried the new Neosporin Spray to go? It’s fantastic!!!!!
You can carry it in your purse/gym bag or even the glove box. It is a life saver when I take the tots to the play ground and someone takes a tumble.

It kills germs and stops the pain like magic! Trust me, you will be glad it’s there .

Thank you to Mom Central for the heads up on Neosporins handy Safety Check.

It was a real eye opener!

Love and Happy Tots!


Teaching Kids about Responsible Spending

Last week SM came to me asking if he could get a wallet. Apparently wallets are the latest thing with the first grade crowd and he felt he just had to have one. I thought nothing of it and off he and his dad went to Target to pick one out. When he got home his Dad marked the occasion by giving him his first $1 to carry in it.

Later in the week I found SM in his room putting a $20 bill in his wallet. Curious as to why he would need to carry that much money around, I asked SM about it. Apparently he’d put $8 in his wallet the day before from his bank (without asking….) and taken it to school for a penny war. His plan was to do the same with the $20. While I am all for charity – and was proud of how he wanted to spend the money, I had SM put the money back in his bank (we’d already given him money for the fundraiser). I used the opportunity to talk with him about money and savings as well as being financially responsible. It was a great conversation but something I never thought I would have to discuss with him at six years old.

I share this story because Discover Card recently launched a new debit card called Current by Discover Card, designed especially for kids ages 13 to 18. While SM is WAY too young for a debit card, I really liked that Discover Card was launching this program and helping parents teach children about managing money.

Current is great because it lets parents set spending limits – could be daily, weekly, monthly but also lets them block certain merchant categories. I like this because you could theoretically block video arcades, tobacco shops, etc. where you might not want your child spending too much or any money for that matter. The card lets parents monitor their child’s spending (like Big Brother) online or via text message!

Now, the card does come with a $5 monthly charge but that is small potatoes for the tools it provides.

Some of the features of Current include (provided by Discover)

  • Helpful Account Management Features: Parents can set spending limits, restrict merchant categories and track their teen’s spending through online statements, e-mail and text message alerts. Teens also can load their paychecks onto the card through direct deposit.

  • Advanced Security Features: Current is protected by Discover’s $0 fraud liability, which means cardmembers are never responsible for unauthorized charges – online, offline, anytime, anywhere. Current cards that are lost or stolen will be temporarily suspended or deactivated, and cardmembers will be eligible for an emergency replacement.
  • Financial Education Resources: Teens can learn how to spend smarter by logging onto the Account Center at There they can view helpful articles on topics such as basic financial concepts, protecting yourself from identify theft, starting a savings program, and making your money go further.

Thanks to Mom Central for allowing me to learn more about Current, by Discover Card.

New Hasbro Game Teaches Sharing

If you have more than one child you know that game time can often lead to arguments. Who gets to be the red piece, who gets to go first, who gets to roll the dice or draw the first card. It can be a real headache!!

When MomCentral and Hasbro asked me if I wanted to check out new game centered on sharing, I didn’t hesitate. Genius I thought. A game that will both entertain and educate, sign me up!

Themed like a carnival, to play children spin a spinner and play the carnival game the arrow lands on (there are 4). The child then plays the carnival game and if they “win” the receive a picture token representing that game. Much like Trivia Pursuit with the pie and slices, children must collect all for tokens before the end of the game.

One of the things I liked about the game was that if you land on a game that you’ve already played and you win again, you can give the new, repeat toke, to someone else (sharing….) playing the game who still needs that piece.

If you are looking for a game that will help your child grasp the concept of sharing, I would def. recommend checking out this great new game by Hasbro.

Want to win a copy of Noodleboro??? Mom Central is raffling 200 Noodleboro games off to Moms who sign up HERE.

When its more than just Diaper Rash

When my daughter was a baby she would come down with terrible diaper rash.
Nothing we did seemed to make it any better.We tried diaper rash creams,double rinsing her diapers(thinking it was a soap allergy) even advice about using browned flour as a diaper powder.
It just got worse.She was in terrible pain and our hearts broke when we held her as she cried.
Then someone mentioned it might be More than just diaper rash.
We took her to the pediatrician and were told it was a yeast infection.
Yes its more common than you think.
When you’ve tried everything and nothing works,it might be time to see your pediatrician too.
Now you have a choice.
Ask your Pediatrician about Vusion.
Its a new prescription ointment that’s gentle and works quickly to stop the infection while soothing your baby’s sore little behind.
Right now you can go to WWW.VUSIONBABY.COM and find out more information about the ointment as well as request a free coupon .
I want to thank the wonderful people over at MomCentral
for discovering this wonderful new ointment and bringing it to our attention.I only wish it had been around when my little one was in need.
Buzz on over to their site MomCentral for even more wonderful ideas and products that make being a mommy a lot more fun.
Till then,here’s to dry diapers and happy babies!
