New Organic Juice – FROOSE

When Mom Central approached me about trying out FROOSE, a new organic drink for children I jumped at the chance. What mom isn’t always on the prowl for the next great, HEALTHY, drink option for their kids?

So what is FROOSE?
FROOSE is an organic juice that combines organic whole grains (sounds weird but it works) with fruit to make a juice that is both low in sugar (whoo, hoo) and filled with fiber. It was created by a mom (bonus points!) named Denise Devine who wanted to find a more nutritious drink for her children.

For the sampling we were sent four each of Cheerful Cherry, Playful Peach and Perfect Pear. The juice boxes come in a 4 oz size, which worked well for my 2-year old but was not enough of a serving for my 5 1/2 year old (he would drink 2).

Throughout the week I gave the boys FROOSE with their dinner. Two flavors really took home the prize at the Boyer household, with the B-man loving the peach and SM sucking down all of the pear. Don’t get me wrong, they liked the cherry, just not as much as the other two varieties.

The texture of the juice is a little thicker than what you would find in a Capri Sun or other juice pouch type drink. I would compare the consistency/texture to that of a thinner smoothie or drink from Orange Julius.

So Where Can You Get It?
FROOSE is not yet available in stores (I believe they are working on that) but you can order from the FROOSE Web site. To try a sampling similar to what I received costs $9.00. When you break it down, it averages about $.75 per juice box, which isn’t bad considering each 4oz box is like eating a whole piece of fruit. Plus, just knowing it’s organic adds a little piece of mind.

I’ve got a picture to add but the feature isn’t working on Blogger right now….

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